Our Crew
Gary Zonitch
VP of Construction
Hailing from upstate New York, where snow days were practically a sport, Gary earned an MBA to prove his resilience in both blizzards and spreadsheets. After moving to Atlanta in 2004 and Greensboro, NC in 2023, he’s become a professional at packing boxes. His bucket list doubles as a geography lesson, with Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, and Alaska still waiting to be conquered. He prefers his coffee with cream, his Italian food in chicken parm form, and his vacations as far from reality as possible (hello, Hawaii). A career highlight? Helping QSR operators PIVOT to the fast-changing demands of their customers. He dreams of U2 performing in his perfectly manicured backyard, but for now, he’s content hosting impromptu dinner parties with pizza, good company and hopefully no “Gary-oke.”